Reviving the Blackwing: March Update
Okay Blackwing fans we have a few new developments to bring you up to date about.
First, based on feedback received on my last post and elsewhere we’ve decided to drop the term “Classic” from the upcomming release of our next Blackwing pencil model. So the new model will simply be named the Palomio Blackwing 602 and will complement our existing Palomino Blackwing pencil. Several people have properly pointed out that it’s a bit redundant to use the term classic when we’re designing a pencil that more closely replicates the original Eberhard Faber Blackwing 602.

Next as you can see from our photo we’ve received some initial samples of two new colors of erasers for the Palomino Blackwing. We’re planning on adding pink and black options to our existing white eraser. All three colors will eventually be available in 10 packs as an so you can choose your favorite color and accessorize your Blackwings. All have the same quality performance. These packs will be available for sale sometime in June as they are being produced and packed as part of our larger replenishment order for our next production run on the new and existing Blackwing pencil models.
After reviewing these sample erasers and considering the overall design for our new Blackwing 602 model we’ve determined that the black eraser is just going to look much better than the the pink on this. Thus the new 602 model will be tipped with a black eraser, but for those who really prefer pink the replacement packs will allow you to customize. We’re a few weeks away yet from having our first lacquer finished samples for approval before we go into our production run starts. So I can’t provide an actual photo yet. As soon as we have an approved lacquer finish on a few sample pencils we’ll get these shots taken and share them with you. Probably about the first of April.
If all goes well we expect to receive the first small release of the Blackwing 602 model in Mid May, just in time for our debut at the National Stationery Show in New York May 15-18. We’re also working hard on wrapping up our new retail packaging to make this available for the show as we’ll be introducing our Palomino, Palomino Blackwing and ForestChoice product ranges to the Retail trade. This will kick of our first real effort to make any of our products available at the retail level after primarily distributing through and a few other on line sellers until now. It’s an exciting time here and working hard towards these goals to do a good job with this launch.
Finally, just in case any of you missed it Boing Boing posted a video interview Thursday with Wired Magazine and New York Times Magazine writer Clive Thompson featuring our Palomino-KUM Long Point Pencil Sharpener. Thanks to Mark and Clive for thier support.
Sometimes when you erase, the eraser turns black. This gives you visual feedback so you avoid erasing with that side and smudging the paper later. With a black eraser, you won't be able to see the blackened area so easily. It definately looks like a bad boy with the black eraser but seems to minimize functionality. On the other hand, you do give the option of a pink erase so that's really cool. Keep up the great work.
I would like to see replacement erasers in red, green and blue as well. Will the earthquake in Japan impact production?
You're talking about creating a "classic" Blackwing 602 to get back to the feel of the original pencil and then putting a black eraser on it as a default. I've seen it a million times, when people are given too many options during the creative process they lose sight of the original goal. Regardless of what you think looks better, what is it about a black eraser that harkens back to the original? Offer the options, but stick to the original goal. If you truly feel black looks better than pink I have to wonder how much the new pencil is going to look like the original Blackwing.
I absolutely LOVE the fact that you'll offer the matte black Blackwing, keeping the softer core which I use for sketching and drawing, AND the grey 602 with HB-ish lead core for writing. You hit it right on the nail's head in your previous post — I'll be using both alongside each other: Matte black mostly for sketching/drawing, and the 602 for writing.
However, I will agree with the previous poster: leave the 602 with a pink eraser, just like the original one — don't use a black eraser by default.
Thank you for bringing back the Blackwing. I absolutely love it.
Any updates as to when the new 602 will become available?
Adair – Am actually working on next update now for the next day or two.
Thanks all for your comments and feedback.
Well done on reviving the Blackwing. I would agree about releasing the new version with a pink eraser. If the reason to remake the original is to bring it back, why make it different? I appreciate the option to purchase other erasers to change the product, but I think you are making one mistake on an otherwise excellent relaunch of the upcoming new Palomino Blackwing 602.
Best wishes with the project.